How to download different fonts on my Samsung phone

Last Update date : 2024-08-11

Want to download different fonts to further customise your Galaxy device? Follow the below guide for step-by-step instructions.

How to download different fonts on Samsung phone How to download different fonts on Samsung phone

Follow the below steps:

1 Head into your Settings > Display
Display settings
2 Select Font size and style
font size and style
3 Tap on Font style
font style
4 Select Download Fonts
download fonts
5 Locate a font you would like to install then tap on the Download button
download button
6 Once the new font has been installed, head back to your Font Style settings and tap on the new font to apply changes
choose font style
7 Once applied you will then be able to view the new font
differences for the fonts

Note: For any further assistance or questions, please Contact us.

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